If your tap water or well water has an odor you should know what it means. There are a lot of odors that can make the water not only unpleasant to drink, but it can change the color at times too. Here is a guide on tap water odor that will help you understand which odor means which contaminant’s presence in the water. This may help you choose the right well water filtration system.

Water Smells Metallic

The first kind of odor that might be present in your tap water is that of metals. You can distinctly taste and smell metal in the tap water. It might be due to a couple of reasons. First of all, the metallic smell can be due to the water being stagnant in corroded pipes for too long. If your pipes are getting a little worse for wear, then you can taste a metallic tinge in your water and it will also smell the same way.

Other times, there might be actual metals dissolved or suspended in the water. It can be the presence of zinc, nickel, iron, copper, and even cadmium that can cause the water to smell metallic. Along with the smell, the water can also be tinged with a slight tint. It can be red, green, blue, or other times, the discoloration might be temporary, but the taste won’t be.

So, if you want to remove the metallic taste and smell of the well water, then you can do so, by getting a water filter. It will get the job done easily and you’ll get water that is normal tasting and not metallic at all.

Water Smells Like Fish

Does your water taste like someone has left a fish in it? It smells fishy and stale, just like how you would imagine a fish pond to smell, but instead of live fish, the smell is coming from dead fish. Well, this is quite common if your water supply is near a lot of trees and greenery.

Sometimes, the dead leaves and plants can fall into the water reservoir and it can cause this smell to occur. It’s not pleasant and you need to either call your local water supply company or you can get a water filtration system to get rid of the smell.

Water Smells Moldy

Sometimes, the water just doesn’t smell fresh. It smells like it’s been sitting in an enclosed space for a long time and it can lead to a sweet and musty scent and that’s not pleasant at all. The most common cause of this odor is fungus and mold.

Sometimes, if the water is stagnant for too long, it can lead to formation of the green and black fungus and mold and it can make the water smell musty. This is why it’s recommended to always have your water storage tank cleaned every once in a while.

Water Smells Like Chemicals

A lot of the time, when water supplies are near an industrial discharge or waste site, it can pollute the water and cause it to smell like a bunch of different chemicals. It can be very unpleasant to smell and the water is also not potable at all.

This is why you need to call your local water supply or municipal company and you need to file a complaint because water coming from industrial waste sites can dangerous to drink and use around the house as it can lead to a whole myriad of problems.

Water Smells Like Bleach

Sometimes, the water in your taps and faucets can smell like bleach or something out of a swimming pool and that’s because of chlorine. Chlorine has a very distinct bleach-like smell and since it is a disinfectant, it’s used in a lot of water municipalities to get rid of bacteria and viruses.

However, sometimes, the amount of chlorine can be too much and it can cause the water to smell like bleach and taste bitter. This is why you need to get a water filter that removes the excess chlorine.

Water Smells Like Rotten Eggs

Another very disturbing odor that can be in the water is that of rotten eggs or dirty socks. This is a very bad smell and it diffuses in the rest of the house and it just makes the house smell nasty. The smell of rotten eggs is because of the presence of hydrogen sulfide in the water.

This can occur if bacteria are present in the water and it’s feeding on the food components, leading to the production of this gas. This is the time when you have to call in a professional to take a look at the water pipes and see if there is any serious infestation. Moreover, you may also have to consider installing a whole house water filtration system Washington County.

Water Smells Like Sewage

If you screw the tap on your sink and the water coming from it smells downright putrid, then there might be an issue. The smell is best described as sewage water mixed with tap water. It will taste dirty, and grimy and it will also have that very distinct pungent odor. This is a very serious problem and it can also be because of a couple of reasons.

The first one is bacteria. You use your sink to get rid of a lot of foods and sometimes, the food can sit in and decompose, leading to the formation of bacteria and that’s what causes the water to smell bad because it penetrates nearby water bodies.

Sometimes, if you’re opening up a sink or faucet after a long time or if you’re using a water heater after a very long time, then it can also lead to this sewage-like smell. To get rid of this smell, you’ll need to clean your sink properly. You’ll need baking soda and vinegar. Mix them to form a pasty solution and then pour it down the drain. In a couple of minutes, you won’t even smell anything.

Another thing that you can try and it also works amazing if you have a clogged drain, because of food wastage, is to take a kettle of boiling water and pour it down the drain. This is better than any sink cleaner or acid to open up any clogs in the drain and you’ll get rid of that awful smell too. Hot water is always a great disinfectant for any situation.

Water Smells Like Gasoline

Last but not least, tap water can also smell like gasoline. Think of a gas can getting dumped into water and that’s exactly what the water will smell like. This can be because of several things. Either the underground water reservoir from where the water is coming from is part of an oil basin and the water reservoir is an aquifer, with dissolved gasses in it.

Also, it can be because of a contamination in the water pipe and it causes the water to be infested with hydrocarbons which can occur a lot.


Water with odor is a big no-no. Well, now you know exactly why it happens and what can be the cause of different odors in the well water. Get your water tested and then install a water treatment Jefferson County system accordingly.

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