What are the most popular abortion methods often carried out in US?

The easiest and safest method for a woman to abort the unwanted pregnancy is to use two medicines mifepristone also known by the name abortion pill and misoprostol also known by the name cytotec. If you are living in a country where no access to safe abortion services exist, the best  thing  is to use these two medications and carry out the medical abortion in  your house itself. There are two effective and safe pills used  for carrying out abortion in the home itself.

Medically supervised abortions

In some countries misoprostol is available in local pharmacy stores. Using misoprostol alone can be less successful and using these medication together has been found to be successful in 99 % of the cases. Cytotec, Oxaprost, Arthotec etc are some of the brand names of misoprostol. In some countries it is available over the counter without any prescription.  In some countries prescription form a registered medical practitioner is essential for getting these medicines from the local store.

Dilation and curettage

D&C is performed only if the pregnancy is within a gestation period of 14 weeks to 4 months.  A curette is an instrument that can be used for scrapping. One edge of the tool is curved like a sickle which is used to scrap the uterus and remove the fetus. Before starting this process the cervix is dilated. Dilation of cervix can be done only under the medical guidance of a gynaecologist in a theatre lest it can create complications.

Abortion pills

Because of the convenience of this method this is becoming very popular these days. These pills can do wonders till the completion of seven weeks of gestation. There are two types of pills. One is to be taken within 48 hours of an unprotected sex to prevent unwanted pregnancy. The other one is to be taken if the periods are missing and within 7 weeks of conception. But if the latter method is continued many times it can lead to complications. Moreover the hormone pills which are suggested by your physician only must be purchased. If you go to the chemist he may be giving a second quality pills or not the correct hormone pills needed for a particular patient.

Vacuum aspiration

This method is safe only during the gestation periods between 8 and 12 weeks. In this method a sharp edged tube is inserted to the amniotic sac through vaginal tract. The sharp edge cuts the fetus into pieces. After that with the help of a vacuum pump attached to the other end of the tube, the pieces are sucked out. A qualified and experienced gynaecologist will be the best person to carry out this procedure.

Surgical abortion

In the advanced stages of pregnancy when the normal methods which are stated above cannot be applied surgical abortion is carried out. A surgery is performed to ensure maximum efficiency. This is specifically useful in the case of ectopic pregnancy which means the pregnancy occurring in the fallopian tube. Surgical abortions are carried out in the cases where the continuance of pregnany poses threat to the life of the mother. The procedure for surgical abortion is similar to C section,. In this method the fetus is actually killed cutting the umbilical code. After this the dead fetus is delivered. This is the reason why this method is opted only as the last resort.

Induction abortion

In some cases the fetus may not be growing as expected or in the normal way it should have grown. There can also be some defects in the fetus. This is the situation that necessitates an induction abortion. Such situation usually occurs during the fourth or fifth month of pregnancy.

Sale poisoning

This method is often carried out in the second trimester only when defects are noticed in the baby. As the name suggests saline solution is injected into the amniotic sac so that the fetus is killed. Though this method  of pregnancy termination washington is not in use now there are better drugs which can be used instead of saline water.

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