Herbal treatment for anxiety disorders

Studies show that anxiety disorders are increasing in the Unites States. Patients suffering from anxiety diseases are prone to nervousness and excessive fear which occurs without any reasons. Such symptoms hinder the normal functioning of people affected with anxiety disorders. Shortness of breath, increased heart beat, sleeplessness, dizziness etc is some of the common symptoms of anxiety disorder.

All you should know about anxiety disorders

This disease can be easily treated with antidepressants, or anti anxiety medicines. Therapies like exposure therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy etc are also used in relieving the symptoms of this disease. In addition to the above treatments some unconventional natural ways also exist. Some of them are discussed here.


This herb is also known as kava kava was originated long back around 3000 years ago. People living in and around Pacific ocean, Hawaii, Fiji etc ferment this herb and make a drink which works wonders in alleviating anxiety.  This is highly effective and useful herb for treating anxiety.


This herb is used for preparing medicines for insomnia, gastro intestinal problems, nervousness etc. Studies have shown that this herb is effective in reducing brain activity thereby relaxing the mind and relieving the symptoms of anxiety. But taking this medicine on regular basis can lead to problems like dizziness, increased heart rate, confusion etc.


This is a very effective herb for treating sleep disorders and anxiety related conditions. The sedative components in Valerian have been found to be very effective in reducing insomnia and anxiety. As this herb has an irritating smell, people take it as a capsule or tincture.


Chamomile tea was in use for centuries as herbal remedy for sleep disorders, anxiety and upset stomach. This medicine is taken as brewed in tea or as a supplement for relieving exhausted mind.


Lavender is used as an effective herb for anxiety disorders. It is useful in treating anxiety, insomnia, depression etc as it naturally relieves stress. The scent of this flower induces sleep in stressed babies. Smelling lavender or drinking lavender tea can immediately relieve the tension of a person.

Seek professional help

Though all the above mentioned herbs have been proved to be extremely useful, if the disorder starts distorting the daily routine of a patient, it is better to go for professional help in such cases. Modern medications or behavior therapy will be very useful and effective if they are carried out by professionally qualified and experienced persons.

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